JYSK delivers record results with investments in lower prices
JYSK delivers record results with investments in lower prices

For the financial year 2023/24, global home furnishing retailer and back bone of our group, JYSK, delivered an EBIT result of DKK 4.43bn and increased its turnover to DKK 41.4bn.

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Lars Larsen Group

Lars Larsen Group is owned by the Brunsborg-family, descendants of JYSK founder Lars Larsen. The Group owns companies within a number of business areas including furniture, interior design, restaurants, and hotels and is also an active investor in equities, funds, and real estate.


Billion DKK in Revenue


Billion DKK in Result for the year



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SENG is a Danish retail chain that sells top-quality brands within beds and bed accessories.

Read more about SENG